Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of the 27th of April, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of these data (RGPD), to Organic Law 3/2018, of the 5th of December, Protection of Personal Data and digital rights guarantee (LOPDGDD), as well as in what is not contrary to the regulations indicated, to the Law Organic 15/1999, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and its development regulations, and/or those that could replace or update in the future.

Our organisation is committed to the privacy of your personal data. The personal data provided are necessary to provide our services and are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent way, ensuring adequate security of them, including protection against unauthorised or illegal processing and against loss, destruction or accidental damage through the application of technical and organisational measures.

In this document we want to offer you, in a transparent and loyal way, all the nece information related to the processing of your personal data that this organisation makes.







1. The personal data provided will not be subject to any transfer unless it is stated specifically in the specific processes.

2. Optionally, for the procurement cloud computing services and/or services for the sending of emails, communication, as well as other related IT services, the personal data may be:

Assigned to IT service companies located within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Transferred to IT service companies located outside the EEA adhered to the Privacy Shield protection framework and therefore have implemented the appropriate protection measures to ensure the security of personal data. To obtain further information, please follow this link:

3. Optionally, to administrations and other organisations when they are required in compliance with legal obligations.



For each specific processing of personal data, we will inform you of the legal for such processing.


It is the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to the data subject are being processed and, if so, the right to access to the personal data and the following information: the purposes of the processing, the categories of the processing, the recipients or the categories of recipients to whom the data have been or will be disclosed, the storage period or the criteria used to determine this period, the existence of the right to request from the controller the rectification or deletion of personal data or the restriction or objection to the processing of personal data relating to the data subject, the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), the existence, where applicable, of automated decisions, including profiling, where data are transferred to third countries the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards applied.


You have the right to request the rectification of your personal data if these are innaccurate including the right to complete data that is incomplete. Please note thatby providing personal data by any means, you warrant that such data are true and accurate, and you undertake to notify us of any changes or modifications to such data. Therefore, any damage caused as a result of the communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information in the forms of the website, will be the sole responsibility of the concerned party.


It is the right to request the suppression of your personal data when, among other assumptions, they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were gathered, or are otherwise being processed or you withdraw your consent. It should be borne in mind that erasure will not be applicable when the processing of personal data is necessary, among other cases, for teh fulfilment of legal obligations or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.


It is the right to request that restrict the processing of your personal data, which means that in certain cases you can ask us to temporarily stop the processing of your personal data or to store your data for longer than necessary when you may need it.


It is the right to withdraw the consent you have provided by ticking “I have read and accept the privacy policy” at any time and as specified in the relevant section “Exercise of rights” or in the specific processing of commercial communications or Newsletter. Please note that this right will not be applied if, inter alia, the processing of personal data is necessary for the compliance with a legal obligation, the performance and maintenance of a contractual relationship, or for the formulation, exercise or the defense of claims. Likewise, the withdrawal of consent will not have retroactive effects, it will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.


It is the right to receive the personal data concerning you and that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit them to another controller, provided that: the processing is based on your consent and is carried out by automated or computerised means.


You have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest. We will cease to process your personal data unless we can prove compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims.


If you believe that we are processing your personal data in an incorrect manner, you can contact us or you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD):


You may exercise your rights by sending a letter to the postal address indicated above or by e- mail, enclosing, in both cases, a copy of your NIF/NIE/Passport or similar document.


The personal data requested in each of the specific processing operations are strictly necessary; refusal to provide them would mean that we would not be able to provide the requested service.

The communications of the personal data provided for in each of the specific processing operations in some cases are necessary for the performance and maintenance of a contract and in other cases for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the responsible/controller.


In the event that this website uses online chat software, provided as a self-service to provide users with an adequate and quick response to common questions and in improving customer services for the benefit of users visiting the website, the following data will be subject to processing during the conversation with the “chat bot”: the IP address and other personal data entered into the chat bot’s conversation function.

The collected data will not be used to personally identify the website visitor, and will not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym, unless the personal data is provided voluntarily when using the online chat.

The legal basis for this processing is set out in Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.


Personal data will be processed to channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints from users or customers.

The legal basis that legitimates the processing of personal data is the express consent when marking”I have read and accept the privacy policy”.

Personal data will be kept for a period of two years from the moment they stop being processed, without prejudice to the exercise of the rights that assist them as interested.


Personal data will be processed to manage your online purchases by processing your orders and returns via

our online services, send notifications about the status of delivery or in case of problems with the shipment of items, manage your payments, complaints or questions about the guarantee of the products or services, identify and validate their legal age to hire, as well as for and, if applicable, the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.

The legal basis that legitimates the processing of personal data is the express consent when marking”I have read and accept the privacy policy”.

Personal data will be transferred to the transport company to be able to get the order to your home, as well as, payment service providers.

Personal data will be kept, as long as, the consent is not withdrawn, unless they should be kept for the maintenance of the relationship between the parties or during the years necessary for compliance with legal obligations.


Personal data will be processed to manage online reservations, your payments, any complaint or claim about the services provided, identify and validate your legal age to contract, as well as for and, where appropriate, the formulation, exercise or defense of claims

The legal basis that legitimates the processing of personal data is the express consent when marking “I have read and accept the privacy policy”.

As a necessary contractual requirement, personal data will be transferred to third companies for the provision of advisory services to responible party. In compliance with legal obligations, the personal data will be transferred to the State Security Forces and the Tax Administration. Likewise, and in some cases, they may be transferred to providers of online payment services.

Personal data will be kept as long as the consent is not withdrawn, unless they should be kept for the maintenance of the relationship between the parties or during the years necessary for compliance with legal obligations.



In compliance with art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of the 11st of July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we inform you that the responsIble of this website is:


C.I.F / N.I.E. / PASSPORT: 12480567P






1.- AIM.

These general terms of use (hereinafter CGU), regulate the access and use of the Website under the domain WWW.EXPERIENCIASCOSTABLANCA.COM (hereinafter Website), owned by “MIHAELA MURESAN POPA” (hereinafter EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA), made available to the users (hereinafter User/s).

If you have any doubts or queries related to the use and access to the Website or these CTU, you can contact us through the contact details published in the Legal Notice.


The use of this Website implies the full acceptance by the User of the existing CTU at the time the User accessed to this Website. Therfore, If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions set forth herein, you should refrain from using this Website.

Consequently, the User must read the CGU carefully each time he/she intends to use the Website. In any case, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA reserves the right to modify the GTU, at any time

without prior notice. Furthermore, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA reserves the right to suspend, discontinue or cease to operate the Website at any time.

By “use of the Website”, we mean any User who accesses and browses this Website regardless of whether or not he/she fills in the registration forms.


The access to the Website and/or the Contents included in it, does not imply any kind guarantee with respect to suitability of the Website and/or the Contents included in it, for specific particular purposes of the Users.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA may establish additional limitations and/or conditions for use and/or access to the Website and/or the Contents, which must in all cases be observed by Users.

3.1.- Access and Use of the Website.

Unless otherwise provided, the use of the Website shall be free of charge, without prejudice to the connection through the corresponding telecommunications network contracted by the User.

The User acknowledges that he/she is over eighteen years of age and is also aware and voluntarily and explicitly accepts that the use of the Website is in any case under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.

The User undertakes to comply with the GTU, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions contained on the Website and to always act in accordance to the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using his/her best efforts taking into account the nature and consideration of the service he/she enjoys. To this end, Users shall refrain from using the Website in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of this Website, the goods or rights of EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA, its suppliers, its distributors, the rest of Users, or any third party in general.

Specifically and without implying any restriction to the obligation assumed bUysethrein accordance with the preceding section, theUser undertakes to:

a) Not enter, store or disseminate, on or from the Website, any information or material that is defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, in support of terrorism, inciting violence, discrimination to race, gender, ideology, religion or that in any way violates the form, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or the image of third parties and in general, the regulations in force.

b) Not enter, store or disseminate through the Website any computer programme, data, virus, code or any other electronic or physical instrument or that may cause damage to the Website, to any of the services, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA, of any User, of the Suppliers or Distributors of EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA or in general of any third party, capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing the normal operation of this Website.

c) Not enter, store or disseminate through the Website any content that infringes intellectual and industrial property regulations, or the rights of third parties, or in general, any content for the User does not hold, in accordance with the law, the right to make available to third parties.

3.2.- Access and Use of Content.

The Contents of the Website are available to the User with information from both own and third party sources.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA endeavours to ensure that the Contents are of the highest possible quality and are reasonably updated, but does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the Contents.


No intellectual or industrial property rights over the Website or any of its constituent elements are transferred by means of these GTU, and the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making available, extracting, reusing, resending, or using any of them by any means or procedure, except in cases where this is legally permitted or is authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The User may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the Contents for his/her exclusive personal and private use on his/her computer systems (software and hardware), provided that this is not for the purpose of carrying out any commercial or professional activities. The User shall refrain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the Contents by means or procedures other than those which in each case was made available or indicated for that purpose or those which are normally used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not entail a risk of damaging or disabling the Website). The User must, at all times, respect all intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website, owned by EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA or third parties.


5.1.- Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability for the Operation of the Website.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Website and the services and Contents offered therein, nor that the contents existing on the Website are updated, and is exonerated from any liability for damages or harm, of any nature, that may arise from such circumstances.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA will carry out all those tasks aimed at rectifying the errors, re- establishing communication and/or updating the aforementioned contents, provided that there are no circumstances that prevent or complicate the performance and will do as soon as it becomes aware of any errors, disconnections and/or lack of updating of the contents.

Likewise, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA does not guarantee either the technical reliability of its Website, nor access to its different pages, and is likewise exonerated from liability for damages or any kind that may arise for this reason.

Furthermore, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall not be liable for any possible errors or security deficiencies that may occur due to the use by the User of a browser with an ot-of-date or

insecure version of the same or for any damage, errors or inaccuracies that may arise from the malfunctioning of the browser.

In order to reduce the risk of viruses being introduced into the Website, said platform uses virus detection software to check all the Contents that it enters into the Website. However, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the Website introduced by third parties unrelated to EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA that may cause alterations in the hardware or software systems of the Users or in the electronic documents and files stored in the system. Consequently, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall in no case be liable for any damages of any kind that may dervie from the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the software or hardware systems, electronic documents, or files of the Users.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA adopts various protection measures to protect the Website, the data gathered and the Contents against computer attacks by third parties. However, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA does not guarantee that unauthorised third parties will not have access to the type of use or browsing of the Website by the User or the conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which it is carried out. Consequently, EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall

in no case be liable for any damages that may arise from such unauthorised access.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall not be liable under any circumstances for the use that Users and/or third parties may make of the Website or the Contents to, nor for any damages that may derive from the same.

5.2.- Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability for Contents.

EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA does not edit Contents of third parties published on the Website and, consequently, does not guarantee and is not responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy completeness, and timeliness of said Contents, not for the Contents owned by EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA. EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall in no case be liable for any damages that may arise from: (i) the lack of lawfulness, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, and/or timeliness of the Contents originated by third parties and its own; (ii) the unsuitability for any purpose and the disappointment of expectations generated by the Contents; (iii) decisions or actions taken or avoided by the User, in reliance on the information or data provided in the Contents, including without limitation, lost profits or business opportunities.


Persons intending to establish Hyperlinks between their web page and the Website must observe and comply with the following conditions:

i) Prior authorisation is not required where the Hyperlink only allows access to home page of the Website, but may not to reproduce it in any form. Any other form of Hyperlink requires the express and unequivocal written authorisation of EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA.

ii) The Website on which the Hyperlink is established may only contain strictly the necessary to identify the destination of the

iii) The Website on which the Hyperlink is established will not contain information or content that is illegal, contrary to morals and generally accepted good customs and to public order, neither will it contain content contrary to any third parties rights.

iv) EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA reserves the right to block the Hyperlinks to the Website which do not have express prior authorisation, even if they comply with the provisions of the point of the General Terms and Conditions.


EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA reserves the right to exercise whatever actions are legally available to demand responsabilities derived from the breach by the User of any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of the Website.


The declaration of any of the clauses contained in these General Terms and Conditions as null, invalid or ineffective shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining, which shall continue to be binding between the parties.


These CTU shall be governed in accordance with Spanish legislation.

For the resolution of any dispute relating to the conditions of use and access to this Website contained in this document of the Website’s GTU, the parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may entitled, unless otherwise determined by law, to the Courts of Dénia.


EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA designates the address specified in the Legal Notice as the contact address for the purposes of delivering the pertinent notifications.

The e-mail address provided by the User during the registration process on the Website, will be used by EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA for the purpose of sending notifications to the User.

The User is obliged to keep the data referred to in this clause duly updated for the purposes of notifications.

All the Notifications made by EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA to the User shall be deemed to have been validity delivered if they have been made using the data and by the means indicated above. EXPERIENCIAS COSTA BLANCA shall not be liable for any damage that may arise from the User’s failure to keep their contact details up to date.